Warrior Cats Book Party: 8 Purrfect Activities for the Ultimate Party

Warriors series
By Erin Hunter
For Ages 8-12
Genre: Fantasy & Adventure
It’s time for a Warriors Book Party! This event won’t just create excitement around the books but spark new friendships amongst your tweens. There’s something special about roaming a library pretending to be a pack of feral cats that brings people together.
These activities were used in an hour-long program for a group of 25 tweens with a budget of $75. Use these activities during a Warriors book club, too!
Promotional Blurb
​”Calling all Warrior Cats! Join us for adventures, crafts, snacks, and discover which Warrior Clan you belong in. For ages 8 through 12. “
Games & Activities
Find Your Warrior Clan
Set up laptops/tablets for “apprentices” to take the Find Your Warrior Clan quiz. I recommend having this be the first activity attendees do as they come into the room if you want them to utilize their clans for the other activities.
Cat Name Generator
Once their clan has been determined, attendees can use a Name Generator to find their cat name. Offering sticky nametags for them to write their cat names on is a fun touch.
Warrior Cats Trivia
Challenge the whole group or have them compete by their clan.
From Book 1: Into the Wild
- Who is the first clan cat Rusty meets? Graypaw
- Where do Leaders and Medicine cat go to receive dreams from Starclan? Moonstone
- What are Firepaw and Graypaw’s Warrior names? Fireheart and Graystripe
- What is Firepaw’s kittypet name? Rusty
- Who kills Spottedleaf? Clawface
- Who is Firepaw’s kittypet friend? Smudge
- What is the prophecy Firepaw is supposed to fulfill? Fire alone can save our Clan
- What is a Twoleg road called? A Thunderpath
From Other Books in Original Series
(Warning: Questions may include spoilers!)
- Which three cats does Tigerclaw try to convince to go into exile with him? (Book 3: Forest of Secrets) Longtail, Darkstripe, and Dustpelt
- Which cat does Yellowfang die trying to save? (Book 5: Rising Storm) Halftail
- How does Tigerstar try to lure the dogs to camp? (Book 6: A Dangerous Path) By making trails of rabbits and giving them a taste of cat.
- What was Scourge’s kit name? (Book 7: The Darkest Hour) Tiny
- How many kittypets do we know of in the ThunderClan area? 6
- Can you name them? Princess, Smudge, Hattie, Jake, Pinestar, and a kit.
- Who was the oldest cat ever in ThunderClan? Mousefur
Cat challenges
Split the attendees into teams by clan or let them run free to enjoy these activity stations:
- Clean the Den: Remove “dirt” (aka cat poo) from the den. Fill a bin or kiddie pool with Rice Krispies cereal and hide brown tootsie rolls.
- Catch Your Dinner: Fill a bowl with water and Swedish Fish candies. Have attendees use chopsticks to “catch” the fish while timed for speed to see who can get the largest catch.
- Cat Masks Craft: Print cardstock cat masks for attendees to color, cut, and assemble with string. HelloKids.com has a great cat mask template, which I used to create this printable with two masks per page.

Kittens & Kills Scavenger Hunt
Task the apprentices to hunt the library for lost kittens and kills (prey). Print out pictures of kittens, mice, snakes, and birds and hide them throughout your department or building for attendees to find and collect. For added fun, draw Clan symbols on each picture to denote which territory that kitten or kill belongs to. Challenge apprentices to only make kills and take kittens that belonged to their Clan’s territory.
After this event, our librarian hearts soared as many attendees stuck around the library to conduct more hunts and their own “battles.”
Cat Face Cupcakes
Challenge apprentices to decorate cupcakes to look like cat faces using frosting, Twizzlers for whiskers, M&Ms for eyes, and graham crackers for ears. Unfrosted cupcakes were donated to the event by a local grocery store.
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