The Book That Almost Rhymed by Omar Abed book cover

The Book That Almost Rhymed: Classroom Read Aloud of the Month

A boy wrote the perfect rhyming story, but his sister won’t stop interrupting and ruining his rhymes! The Book That Almost Rhymed by Omar Abed and illustrated by Hatem Aly is the perfect read-aloud for ages 5 through 8. Preschoolers will enjoy this rollicking adventure filled with knights, rockets, and pirate ships, and the rhymes…

Hank Goes Honk by Maudie Powell-Tuck book cover

Hank Goes Honk: Classroom Read Aloud of the Month

“How can a goose be obnoxious? Oh, just you wait and see.” Hank Goes Honk by Maudie Powell-Tuck and illustrated by Duncan Beedie is the perfect read-aloud for celebrating kindness. Read it during your next elementary classroom visit or field trip to the library for endless giggles and fun. Hank’s interruptions and rude behavior will cause…

Elephant & Piggie costumed characters

The Ultimate Elephant and Piggie Outline for Classroom Visits and Assemblies

Looking for a fun school outreach theme that will capture the attention of elementary students and leave them clamoring for the library? Elephant & Piggie can’t be beat! Here is a script with activities, songs, rhymes, and promotional blurbs for the library you can use for classroom visits, school assemblies, or storytimes. Use this plan…

After the Fall by Dan Santat book cover

After the Fall: Classroom Read-Aloud of the Month

Did you ever consider what type of egg Humpty Dumpty was? After the Fall by Dan Santat is the perfect New Year read-aloud for elementary classrooms or during field trips to the library. Use these discussion questions and extension activities during your next school outreach event, classroom visit, book club, or book party. This heartfelt children’s picture…

Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett book cover

Extra Yarn: Classroom Read-Aloud of the Month

Silliness, creativity, and intrigue, oh my! Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Jon Klassen is the perfect wintertime read-aloud for elementary classrooms or during field trips to the library. This heartfelt and humorous story has wide appeal for ages 5 through 12 and features themes of generosity, kindness, and community. A young girl and her…

Girl holding Christmas gifts
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Homemade Holiday Party for Kids & Tweens: 5 DIY Gift Ideas

Give kids and tweens an opportunity to have fun and make holiday gifts for the special people in their lives. Set out supplies for these 5 DIY gift ideas, play some holiday music, and set attendees loose to get crafty! Much of the supplies may already be hiding in your craft closet. These ideas work…

Snoopy Party: 10 Fun Crafts and Activities for the Ultimate Peanuts Gang Party

Snoopy Party: 10 Fun Crafts and Activities for the Ultimate Peanuts Gang Party

Party with Snoopy and the Peanuts gang! Host an event in August to celebrate Snoopy’s birthday, in October, alongside a showing of It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, in November to celebrate Peanuts creator Charles Schultz’s birthday, or any time! The target audience for these activities is ages 3 through 8, but the whole family…

Book cover of Snoopy for President
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Book Character Election Day: Engage Readers with A Fun Passive Activity

Don’t let parents have all the fun on election day, have kids vote for their favorite book characters! The target audience for this passive activity is ages 3-8, but tweens, teens, and adults may enjoy casting a ballot, too. Promotional Blurb “Which book character has YOUR best interests at heart? Stop by the youth department…

A family wearing halloween costumes

Monster Mash: 15 Spooktacular Crafts and Activities

Calling all ghouls and goblins, it’s Halloween season at the library! Children of all ages will enjoy these fang-tastic books, activities, crafts, and snacks. Incorporate one or two into a not-so-scary storytime or try an all-ages event with stations sprinkled throughout the library for families to enjoy at their own pace. These ideas have been…