A kid with multicolored hand paint

Sensory Storytime

Everything you need to host fun and memorable
early literacy-based storytimes for children of all abilities.

Pick your favorite books and elements from the lists below. Don’t forget the most important aspect of storytime: have fun!

Updated February 18, 2025

Table of Contents


Encouraging children to use one or more of the senses, including sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, balance, and movement, offers numerous developmental benefits. From language enrichment to motor and social skills, sensory play is engaging, fun, and even calming for some children. Add sensory elements to your current storytimes or take things a step further and offer a storytime that is especially welcoming to neurodivergent children and their families. ​If you’re familiar with Every Child Ready to Read and the teachings of Saroj Ghoting, then you’ll feel right at home with the tips found here. Those exceptional sources have been the foundation of my storytime development for all ages and stages. 

Group Size, Ages & Siblings

We conduct Sensory Storytimes once a month on Fridays at 10 AM. Attendance is limited to 12 families with content designed for ages 2-5, but children of all ages are welcome to attend. Registration is required, but there are always a few drop-ins. Expect last-minute sign-ups and cancellations, as some days it may simply be more manageable for families to get out of the house than others. I would encourage you to be as accommodating as possible. Offering multiple sessions is helpful if you have the demand. Siblings are always welcome to attend, which is another reason limiting attendance is encouraged, as you will always have more children in the room than planned.

Promotional Description

Our promotional materials describe it as follows: “Join us for stories, songs, and play! Sensory Storytime is for all children and all abilities.”

How To Set the Room Up

Leave the room as sparse as possible, setting up only a table or two in the back for sensory play/crafts and a few chairs for caregivers along the edge of the room. We encourage caregivers to sit on the floor with their children when possible. To limit distractions, keep props and other supplies out of view or in a bin until needed.

Sensory Storytime Outline

Use this basic outline or mix things up based on your group and comfort level:

Opening Song (repeat every week/month)
Interactive Book
Interactive Book
Prop Activity
Sensory Play
Closing Song (repeat every week/month)

This bare-bones outline is not too different from a typical storytime but much more interactive. For every story, song, or activity, ask yourself, “Which senses are not being engaged?” and “What else can we do to engage those senses?” This usually leads to adding more movements, a textured prop, a puppet, or additional imagery. For example, after providing kids with scarves to wave during a song, let them keep them for the next book and ask them to wave their scarves whenever a phrase or word is repeated in the story. ​

Please note the goal is not to bombard children with multiple sensory inputs but to offer alternative ways to experience books and language. For example, placing coinciding images on a flannel board while turning the pages of a book may help a child follow the story more effectively. Perhaps the texture of finger paint is too much for a child, so perhaps offer them a paintbrush or paper roll to paint with instead. ​

Sensory Play

We spend 20-25 minutes enjoying songs, rhymes, and stories, followed by 20 minutes of Sensory Play, which typically includes sensory stations, coloring sheets (or a table covered in butcher paper for even more coloring fun), and a craft. Ending with playtime is an excellent way for children and caregivers to socialize and put the skills they’re developing into practice. View the Sensory Play section below for activity ideas.

Visual Schedule

Sensory Storytime Visual Schedule Board

Individuals with neurodivergent needs may find comfort in knowing what is happening next, and some neurotypicals may, too! A picture schedule provides a visual guide to what is to come and what is currently happening. The special education teachers and specialists I consulted with before launching Sensory Storytime highly recommended visual schedules. ​

There are excellent resources for purchasing or making visual schedules, such as Boardmaker, but I use good old Microsoft Word. Word lets me quickly make new pictures for whichever activities and props I discover each month. Lining up your images in one vertical line would be best, but my magnetic whiteboard is not large enough, so I use two columns.

Add text and a coinciding clipart image for each picture, then print, cut, laminate, and add magnets/tape/felt to the back. Remove the appropriate picture after each activity and place it out of sight. ​ If your local Early On or Educational Services agency utilizes specific visuals in their programs, consider using the same images to keep things consistent for your patrons.

For more tips, see Renee Grassi’s ALSC Blog post “Visual Schedules: Making Programs Accessible for All.”

Favorite Sensory Storytime Books

Five Little Ducks by Ivan Bates
Five Little Ducks
Illustrated by Ivan Bates

Perfect for pairing with a flannel board and/or singing along. Encourage kids to “quack, quack, quack!” Bates’ illustrations are the perfect size for sharing with a crowd, but any version will do.
Fall Leaves Fall by Zoe Hall
Fall Leaves Fall!
by Zoe Hall

Place flannel leaves on a board plus give the kids leaf cutouts to sway, dance and jump along.
Here Are My Hands by Bill Martin Jr
Here Are My Hands
by Bill Martin Jr

Encourage kids & parents to raise/shake/gently tap body parts when they are mentioned in the story.
I Ain't Gonna Paint No More by Karen Beaumont
I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!
by Karen Beaumont

Pass out dry paintbrushes for kids to “paint” their bodies along with the story.
A Good Day by Kevin Henkes
A Good Day
by Kevin Henkes

Sweet and short read about emotions, colors, and animals. Place pictures of each animal on a flannel board as their page is read, then add an image of whatever makes them happy when appropriate.
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes
by Eric Litwin

It lends itself to a flannel board plus you can sing along. Sensory Storytime perfection!
Say Hello! by Linda Davick
Say Hello!
by Linda Davick

Share the many ways to say hello! Add motions and/or accompanying pictures on a magnet/flannel board.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
by Bill Martin Jr

Hand out egg shaker and encourage kids to beat a rhythm while you read.
How to Help a Pumpkin Grow by Ashley Wolff
How to Help a Pumpkin Grow
by Ashley Wolff

Dog’s animal friends help grow a pumpkin, make pumpkin pie, and carve a jack-o-lantern. Give kids a clipboard with print out of animals to cross off as each one appears in the story. Great activity for two-year-old storytimes, too!
Dog's Colorful Day by Emma Dodd
Dog’s Colorful Day
by Emma Dodd

Pass out colored dots for each child to bring up throughout the story and place on flannel/magnet board.
Giant Pop-Out Shapes by Amelia Powers
Giant Pop-Out Shapes
by Amelia Powers

Real world examples encourage kids to guess the shapes which include circle, square, triangle, oval, star, and heart. Give kids paper or felt shapes to hold up or bring up when their shape is called out.
The Busy Little Squirrel by Nancy Tafuri
The Busy Little Squirrel
by Nancy Tafuri

Big illustrations, rhyming text, and it makes for a great flannel or puppet story.

More Sensory Storytime Books From the Blog

Opening & Closing Songs

Opening Song
I’m very glad you’re here today
I’m very glad you’re here
I’m very glad you’re here today
I’m very glad you’re here
I’m glad you and you and you and you (point at each child)
And you and you are here.
I’m glad you and you and you and you and you and you…(picking up the pace and pointing everywhere!)
Are here! ​

*Encourage kids and caregivers to clap along to the rhythm. I lovingly stole this song from The Music Lady Beverly Meyer and tweaked it ever so slightly. Beverly provides excellent children’s concerts and school assemblies, as well as interactive music training for librarians.

Goodbye Song
(Tune: Skip to My Lou)
Hands are clapping
Clap, clap, clap
Hands are clapping
Clap, clap, clap
Hands are clapping
Clap, clap, clap
Storytime is over ​

Feet are stomping…
Arms are flapping… ​

Prop Songs & Rhymes

From scarves to paintbrushes, you can turn anything into the perfect storytime prop. Just be sure you have enough for every kid in attendance. Most songs and rhymes below can be adapted for various props, so let your imagination run free. ​

Bean Bag Songs

Bean bags make excellent fidget toys and manipulatives. Even the weight of a bean bag resting on a child’s hands, tummy, or lap may be calming. Gently toss them from hand to hand, let them fall to the ground, or use them in a song.

Put Your Bean Bags Up High
​Put your bean bags up high
Put your bean bags down low
Put your bean bags in the middle and wiggle just so!
Put your bean bags in the front
Put your beanbags in the back
Put your bean bags in your armpits and quack, quack, quack! (Flap your wings!) ​
*I’ve seen this super fun song a few different places, but most recently on the Saint Paul Public Library’s list of Sensory Sensitive Storytime Songs.

The Bean Bag Song by Hap Palmer
Throw the bean bag and catch
Turn around, turn around, stamp, stamp, stamp
Throw the bean bag and catch
Turn around, turn around, stamp, stamp, stamp

Put it on your head and walk around the room…
Put it on your shoulder…knee…stomach…
*I suggest singing it as a capella to slow it down. Check out this video from the Rose Garden Library to learn the tune.

Puppet Songs

Pass out a hand puppet to each child for these songs. I’ve been pleased with this set of 12 animal hand puppets from Oriental Trading, which only cost $19.99 for the set. I frequently use them in Baby and Toddler Storytimes as well.

Put Your Puppet On Your Heart
(Tune: If you’re happy and you know it)
Put your puppet on your heart, on your heart
Put your puppet on your heart, on your heart
Put your puppet on your heart,
What a lovely way to start!
Put your puppet on your heart, on your heart

Knee…You’ll both be filled with glee
Toes…Now move it to your nose
Head…Put your puppet straight to bed

The Animals at the Zoo
(Tune: Wheels on the Bus)
The animals at the zoo jump up and down (Move hands, baby, or puppet up and down)
Up and down, up and down
The animals at the zoo jump up and down
All day long

The animals at the zoo might eat your toes…(Tickle baby’s toes or “bite” with puppet)
The animals at the zoo might tickle your tummy…(Tickle baby’s tummy)
The animals in the zoo stretch and yawn…(Stretch arms out wide and yawn big)
And mine says __________! (Make your animal’s sound)

*Before starting this song, ask which puppet they were given and what sound their puppet would make.

There’s Something in My Garden (or in the snow, pond, etc.)
There’s something in my garden,
Now what can it be?
There’s something in my garden
That I can’t really see.
Hear its funny sound….
A FROG is what I found!

CAW – CAW – CAW…Crow
*Original from SurLaLune Storytime. Hide puppets of each creature in a bin, behind a board, etc., and reveal them when appropriate.

Paper or Felt Shapes Song

No budget for puppets? No problem! If you have cardstock or felt lying around, make your own shapes to compliment any theme. Let a teen volunteer practice their scissor skills or thank your lucky stars if you have an Ellison Die Cut Machine because it means you can make multiple shapes.

The most mind-blowing day of my librarian life was when I discovered Ellison Die Machines can cut felt in addition to paper. I often provide kids with construction paper or cardstock cutouts but felt is my favorite material to give to Sensory Storytime kids. Pick the shape of your choice and try it out with one of these songs.

There’s a _______ On My Head
*From bears to leaves, fill in the blank with any silly animal or object you can think of and encourage the kids to place their cutouts on the appropriate body parts. ​There’s a bunny on my head, on my head
There’s a bunny on my head, on my head
There’s a bunny on my head, now put him straight to bed
There’s a bunny on my head, on my head

There’s a bunny on my toe, on my toe…
Now shake it to and fro…
There’s a bunny on my knee, on my knee…
Now sit down quietly…

Put your bunnies in the bin, in the bin (Add this verse if you’re done with the prop & ready to collect them!)
Put your bunnies in the bin, in the bin
Put your bunnies in the bin, now let me see you spin
Put your bunnies in the bin, in the bin

Scarf Songs

We Wave and Stop
We wave and wave and STOP
We wave and wave and STOP
We wave and wave and wave and wave
And wave and wave and STOP

We sway…shake…clap…yawn…bounce…

Dancing Scarves
Dance your scarves up
Dance your scarves down
Dance your scarves to the side
And dance them all around!
Dance them on your shoulders
Dance them on your head
Dance them on your tummy
And put them all to bed!​

Shaker Egg Songs

If You’re Happy and You Know It
Shaker Version
If you’re happy and you know it give a shake
If you’re happy and you know it give a shake
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it give a shake

Tap your toe…Shake up high…

Shakers Up
Shakers up, shakers down
Shakers shaking all around
Shakers up, shakers down
Shakers all around
Shakers in, shakers out
Shakers shaking all about
Shakers in, shakers out
Shakers all about

“Shake My Sillies Out” from The Singable Songs Collection by Raffi
I’ve gotta shake, shake, shake my sillies out
Shake, shake, shake my sillies out
Shake, shake, shake my sillies out
And wiggle my waggles away ​
I’ve gotta clap, clap, clap my crazies out…
I’ve gotta jump, jump, jump my jiggles out…
I’ve gotta yawn, yawn, yawn my sleepies out…
*I would suggest singing this song A Capella to slow the tempo down.

Sponge Songs

Standard kitchen sponges are low-cost and can come in bright colors. Depending on the size, they can even be cut into fun shapes with scissors or an Ellison Die Cut machine. Scarves work well in place of sponges, too. 

The Washing Song
This is the way we wash our arms
Wash our arms, wash our arms
This is the way we wash our arms
When we’re in the tub!

Tummies, toes, and hair…
*Encourage kids/parents to gently tap or massage their sponges on each body part when appropriate.

Wash Your Head Shoulders Knees & Toes
Wash your head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Wash your head, shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Wash your head, shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes!

Sponges in the Tub Song
If you have a blue spong
Blue sponge, blue sponge
If you have a blue sponge
Come put it in the tub

If you have a pink bear…white…orange…green…
*Hold out a bucket or pail (aka “the tub”) and encourage kids to bring up their sponges when appropriate.

Sensory Play & Crafts

The last 20 minutes are for play and socialization. It’s an excellent opportunity for caregivers to get to know one another and for children to watch and interact with others. I typically offer 4 stations, but even 1-2 is great! Stations have included:

Coloring Page with Jumbo Crayons

I typically make my own based on the theme or with characters from one of the books. However, you could also cover a table with blank butcher paper and offer jumbo crayons for free drawing.

Sensory Bin

Ideas for sensory bins are everywhere these days! Google “sensory bins” or check out ideas at The Youth Desk’s Pinterest Page. I try to avoid small objects that are easily swallowed; however, my most successful item has been dry pinto beans. I bought a bulk bag at the grocery store, filled a bin, and tossed in a couple of measuring cups. Many children enjoy burying their hands in the beans, taking handfuls and letting the beans stream through their fingers, or using the measuring cups to transfer beans from one bin to another. Yes, the beans go everywhere, but I don’t care. Embrace the mess, and you will be a much happier and more effective librarian! Other items could include shredded paper, cotton balls, pom balls, dry pasta (or cooked for fun with texture!), buttons, or leaves to name a few. Hide small toys or objects for added fun, such as plastic trucks, frogs, Legos, or whatever you have in the library.

Sensory Balls

Sensory Balls are a favorite play item for our groups. Discount School Supplies offers 4 for $13.99, but we found ours at the Dollar Tree. The kids love squeezing, rolling, and tossing them. ​

Flannel Board Pieces​

Set out any flannel or magnet board pieces you may have used during the program for kids to recreate stories and songs.


Something that needs little instruction for children and their parents. Preferably, standard household supplies, such as dish soap or paper towel rolls, can easily be reproduced at home. ​ Here are some tried and true crafts and play activities to try with your Sensory group, or check out The Youth Desk’s Pinterest Page for more ideas and inspiration:

Rainbow Sensory Writing Tray with multicolored barley and paintbrush
Rainbow Sensory Writing
Write letters/numbers or draw shapes through a thin layer of colored rice or barley. Pair with “I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More” by Beaumont.
Photo Credit: Fun-a-Day
Pieces of dried leaves sprinkles on paper
Fall Leaf Confetti Craft
Craft Crush dry leaves into confetti, apply glue to a paper leaf cutout, then sprinkle leaf pieces on top. Pair with “Fall Leaves Fall” by Hall.
Photo Credit: Cute & Peculiar
Pink Playdough with objects stuck in it
Bubble Gum Playdough
Add pink color and a sweet scent to playdough and provide critters to get stuck in it. Pair with Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum by Wheeler.
Photo Credit: Choices4Children
Toilet Paper Tube Stamps
Bubble Prints
Pour bubble soap into a shallow tray and mix in a splash of paint. Stamp paper rolls into the tray then onto cardstock. Bubbles will cling to the paper and leave a print when they pop!
Photo Credit: Lynds XO
Lynds XO shows paint prints vs. bubble
Sensory Bottles filled with water, mud, grass, and cotton balls
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Sensory Bottles
Fill bottles with grass, mud, blue water, powdered sugar (snow), and twigs, then shake & whirl bottles. Pair with “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” by Rosen.
Photo Credit: Teacher Types
Pumpkin Sensory Bags
Pumpkin Sensory Bags
Fill a clear bag with pumpkin guts and manipulate. Is it cold, gooey, slimy? Pair with Pumpkin Pumpkin by Titherington.
Photo Credit: Teaching Mama


Word of mouth has been our most effective form of promotion. We were fortunate to find a teacher from our county’s Early On program who has been a fantastic cheerleader for us. She promotes the program to the families she works with and frequently attends Sensory Storytime in case parents have questions about Early On and the services offered in our county. She also hyped the program to some Speech & Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists in our area who have stopped by to provide me with feedback on the program and promote it to their students.

Inform Your School District

Contact your district’s Special Education Department to see if they’re willing to share info or flyers with their students. We contact the administrative assistant for our district’s Special Education Department each quarter and send her print and digital flyers to distribute to teachers and parents.

Inform Local Speech & Occupational Therapist Centers

Finally, I was introduced to a private organization in our area that offers speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. They promote the program and have even offered to lead a few Sensory Storytimes for us for free.

From parents to specialists, I’ve been amazed by how supportive and enthusiastic the neurodivergent community in our area has been. Simply offering a Sensory Storytime is not only a positive thing for your community but may bring you in touch with other professionals and educators from whom you can learn.

More Resources

Ready for more books and ideas? Don’t miss the latest Sensory Storytime Blog Posts. Additional resources I can’t recommend enough are found below:

Sensory Play & Storytime Presentation
Community Sharing for Healthy Caring Conference – November 12, 2016
Sponsored by Child Connect for Family Success

Adapted Sensory Programming for All Ages & All Budgets
Library of Michigan Webinar – September 17, 2017​​


Library Links

In addition to online articles and blogs, try learning directly from your peers and other professionals by attending a workshop. If you are in the Michigan area, I highly recommend the biennial daylong Adaptive Umbrella workshop sponsored by the Bloomfield Township Public Library for librarians, educators, and caregivers working with youth and the disability community.