Book Club Guide for Bud, Not Buddy

Bud, Not Buddy
By Christopher Paul Curtis
For Ages 8-12
Genre: Historical Fiction
In 1936, ten-year-old Bud runs away from his foster home, hoping to find his father, who he believes to be the leader of a famous jazz band. Use these discussion questions, snacks, and activities during your next book club to bring this heartwarming and humorous tale to life. Bud, Not Buddy is great for tween and homeschool book clubs or to recommend to fans of historical fiction coming-of-age stories.
Discussion Questions
In addition to the general book club questions for fiction books found here, below are my favorite questions to get groups talking about Bud, Not Buddy.
- Pick one word to describe this book.
- Have you read a book set in the 1930s before? How different did it feel from today?
- Why is Bud so convinced Herman Calloway is his father?
- What are Bud’s Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself? Would you add any rules to the list?
- Why does he go by Bud? (“Buddy is a dog’s name or a name that someone’s going to use on you if they’re being false-friendly.” P. 41)
- Do you remember how Bud got his name? (“A bud is a flower to be. A flower in waiting. Waiting for just the right warmth and care to open up. It’s a little fist of love waiting to unfold and be seen by the world.” P. 42)
- Do you know how you got your name? Do your parents have a story about how they picked it or why they liked it?
- Where was the first place Bud went after he left the shed? (the library!)
- Bud thinks the smell of pages makes people fall asleep in the library. (p.54) Have you ever fallen asleep in the library? Some libraries have policies against sleeping, do you think it should be allowed?
- If you suddenly found yourself homeless and on the run, would the library be the first place you go? Where would you go?
- Have you ever heard of Hoovervilles before? (show some photos) Do you remember why they are called “Hoover”villes?
- Do you think Bud was lucky to make it to Grand Rapids? Do you think you could have made it to Grand Rapids? Why or what not?
- Can you imagine walking for 24 hours? What is the farthest you have ever walked?
- Bud said that he always pretended to be asleep by the time his Momma finished reading him stories because if he weren’t, then she would tell him what the story was about, and “that always ruint the fun of the story.” (p. 80) Does that ever happen to you? Do people always tell you what a story is really about? Do you think all stories have hidden lessons?
- Herman C. Calloway always ensured that one member of the band was white. Why was it essential for him to have a white band member? What could a white man do in the 1930s that a black man wasn’t allowed to do?
- Pick one word to describe this book again – would you use the same word you did before our discussion?
Oatmeal with Brown Sugar
Bud is served oatmeal for breakfast at the Mission, and the woman who pretends to be his Momma sprinkles brown sugar on it for him as a treat (p. 51). If you have a microwave at your library, then make some instant oatmeal for your attendees!
Muskrat Soup!…OR Dandelion Greens
Dandelion greens, potatoes, wild carrots, crawdads, and muskrat meat (p. 69) are eaten for supper in the Flint hooverville when Bud and Bugs arrive.
Muskrat soup may be a bit too adventurous for book club, BUT I bet some dandelions are growing nearby or in your yard! WebMD states, “Not only are dandelion greens safe to eat, but they also provide a range of health benefits.” Who knew? In fact, dandelion greens have more Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, and Calcium than Romaine Lettuce. Pick them pre-bud to ensure they are not too bitter.
Here is a recipe for Dandelion Soup from Michigan’s Greenfield Village you could send home with any attendees willing to try it.
Extension Activities
Guess the Character Game
This makes a great icebreaker! While attendees are eating their snacks and settling in, ask them to guess the character based on your description. Examples include:
- The main character: Bud!
- Finds Bud alongside the road, takes him home to meet his family, and then drives him to Grand Rapids. He has blood in the back of his car, which makes Bud think he’s a vampire: Lefty Lewis
- Meets Bud at the Hooverville, washes dishes with him, and kisses him: Deza Malone
- The singer in Herman Calloway’s band. She is very nice to Bud and knew his mother: Miss Thomas
- Spoiler: Bud thinks he is his father, but he turns out to be his grandfather. He’s a famous musician all over Grand Rapids and is a mean old coot: Herman E. Calloway
- The friend of Bud’s who gets a cockroach in his ear and accompanies Bud to the hooverville: Bugs
- A bully who Bud shares a room with at his foster home. He stuck a pencil up Bud’s nose and beat him up but claimed Bud hurt him first: Todd Amos
- She is kind and gets excited about books. She helps Bud out and remembers that he likes books about the Civil War: The Librarian
- Bud has a picture of her sitting on a pony, but she looks upset in the picture. She also gave Bud his name: Bud’s Momma (Angela Janet Caldwell)
- A mean woman who hates bedwetters. She forces her husband to lock Bud in the shed all night: Mrs. Amos
For more icebreakers you can use with any book, check out The Youth Desk’s Book Clubs page.
Christopher Paul Curtis Video
Ask your attendees if they’ve ever thought about becoming writers or know much about the writing process, and then show part of this Scholastic interview with Christopher Paul Curtis. The video provides a great overview of how Curtis became a writer and his books.
Bud, Not Buddy Theatre Production Video
The book was turned into a stage production! Watch this 2-minute video overview of the show created by Metro Theater Company and Jazz St. Louis and ask attendees what they think. Do the characters look the way they pictured them in their minds? What do you think of the jazz music?
Listen to Jazz Music & “O,Shenandoah”
Movies and live entertainment, like jazz bands, were especially important in helping people forget their hardships during the Great Depression (there were no smartphones!). Does this music sound like today’s popular music? What do you think about it? Try these YouTube videos:
- Count Basie & His Orchestra “One O’Clock Jump” on The Ed Sullivan Show
- Louis Armstrong “When The Saints Go Marching In” on The Ed Sullivan Show
- “Oh, Shenandoah” is an old American folk song often played on harmonica in the Hoovervilles
Suitcase Craft & Discussion
Discuss the things Bud kept in his suitcase (rocks, a photo & band flyers) and ask attendees what items they would keep in their suitcase if they had to go on the run or became homeless and could only carry so much. Then challenge them to create their own paper suitcase using the template and supplies found below.
Supplies Needed
Download & print this great suitcase template from the blog MGulin
Cardstock or regular paper
Tape (if using cardstock) or Elmer’s glue (if using regular printer paper)
Pencils & Colored pencils (if drawing items inside the suitcase)
More Resources
Bud, Not Buddy Teachers Guide by Random House Children’s Books
Excellent collection of discussion ideas by theme and subject and extension activities.
Bud, Not Buddy Planet Book Club Guide
Chapter-specific lesson plans, including questions, writing prompts, extension activities, and a full list of additional resources.
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